My name is Julie Boyse, some call me by my spiritual name, Jaya and I’m excited you are here so I can tell you how Journey 2 Balance came about!
My passions have always been helping people, traveling, learning and sharing what I learn. After graduating from Practical Nursing and spending 20 years in the insurance industry, at the same company, the importance of self care for life/work balance became clear to me.
During my corporate career, I experienced what some said was a nervous breakdown, burnout and was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. This experience sparked my desire to inspire others to become more aware of how important gratitude, presence, self care, and getting help when needed, for their own journey.
My balance strategy includes: teaching yoga and meditation to help to align the body, mind and soul.
While I took my first yoga class in 2002, Yoga came into my life more regularly in 2009, when a close friend began teaching hot yoga and I attended her classes to help support her business.
In 2012, I started practicing a more classical style of Yoga with Lalitadevi of Little Mango Tree, who had studied at the Bihar School of Yoga in India. Her classes were so unique and included chanting and closing the eyes throughout the practice to connect with the body.
At the end of class it was like I had no worries in the world, I was at peace and felt so relaxed. Before leaving we would all line up to get a hug at the end of the class and sometimes she would look so deep in your eyes it was like she was looking into your soul. While I found it all quite strange at first, there was something about the classes that kept me going back. I would look forward to the end of the day every Monday and knew if I didn't make it to class my whole week felt off.
Lalitadevi has been my inspiration along my journey and is a true example of how to life yoga in everyday life.
Me trying to re-enact how I was feeling at that time
As life got busy I wasn't as regular attending the weekly classes. I was working in the corporate world of insurance, I had been taking on too much ....... offering help when I already had a full workload and schedule. I was putting too much pressure on myself ........... working late, coming in on weekends, checking emails on vacations, eating at my desk while I worked to get everything done. I didn't want to say no I could prove that I could be counted on and do good by everyone. I was in the constant state of overwhelm and slowly burning out.
Until one day, in April 2014, I did burnout, I had experienced a nervous breakdown.
As life got busy I wasn't as regular attending the weekly classes. I was working in the corporate world of insurance, I had been taking on too much ....... offering help when I already had a full workload and schedule. I was putting too much pressure on myself ........... working late, coming in on weekends, checking emails on vacations, eating at my desk while I worked to get everything done. I didn't want to say no I could prove that I could be counted on and do good by everyone. I was in the constant state of overwhelm and slowly burning out.
Until one day, in April 2014, I did burnout, I had experienced a nervous breakdown.
Me trying to re-enact how I was feeling at that time
This is where yoga re-entered my life as being the only recommended source of movement besides trying to walk again for my physical health, during the onset of my recovery, and a psychologist was recommended for my mental health.
Lalitadevi worked with me giving me simple movements that I still teach today in my classes to re-align my nervous system and keep the energy flowing through my body.
In November 2014, I met Swami Maheshananda Saraswati (Swami Mahesh) who was giving a program on Who am I? at the Little Mango Tree.
Swami Mahesh is a traveling yogi from India, who studied at the Bihar School of Yoga with Swami Satyananda, for 14 years before wandering around the world for another 12 years, sharing the teachings of yoga from the ancient vedic texts.
He was a shining light and was so full of joy, who was living my dream of yoga and travelling the world.
Swami Maheshananda Saraswati
Melanie Phillips (Madhuri)
I returned to work in January 2015 and started studying yoga on a more deeper level, and learning more about Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, through Lalitadevi and Melanie Phillips of the Madhuri Method.
I started applying what I was learning in the classes to my daily life. Ayurveda gave me the tools that I could use every day to help me live a healthy life and gave me a deeper understanding of how we align with nature.
I returned to work in January 2015 and started studying yoga on a more deeper level, and learning more about Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, through Lalitadevi and Melanie Phillips of the Madhuri Method.
I started applying what I was learning in the classes to my daily life. Ayurveda gave me the tools that I could use every day to help me live a healthy life and gave me a deeper understanding of how we align with nature.
Melanie Phillips
In May, I traveled to Iceland with Swami Mahesh on a Yoga Retreat. A couple months later, the company, I had been working for, for 20 years, restructured and I was let go. This gave me the opportunity to decide how I really wanted to live the rest of my life.
I spent my time travelling, where I truly felt at home, amongst my travels I met Swami Mahesh in Costa Rica (January 2016) and then packed for my first trip to India in March of 2016 for a Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat. A close friend had suggested I keep a blog of my travels, so before I left I set up my blog and called it Journey to Balance.
My first logo
Swami Mahesh and I practicing meditation
By this time, I knew without a doubt, that I wanted to be able to share the gift of yoga to others.
I asked Swami Mahesh while I was there, where I too could learn to help share the benefits of yoga and he recommended the Sivananda Teacher Training program.
By this time, I knew without a doubt, that I wanted to be able to share the gift of yoga to others.
I asked Swami Mahesh while I was there, where I too could learn to help share the benefits of yoga and he recommended the Sivananda Teacher Training program.
As soon as I got back home I registered for the next teacher training program offered by Sivananda, and I spent the month of July 2016 living in an Ashram with the instructors, studying yoga intensely. This experience integrated nicely with the knowledge I had obtained from the previous classes, workshops, retreats and self exploration I had been doing with Swami Mahesh.
Me in my bliss after mantra initiation
My first yoga class at Martial Art One, now known as Niagara Taekwondo
When I returned home from the training I set up the business and taught my first classes in a friend's Taekwondo Studio in September and Swami Mahesh came to teach a program in October of that same year.
Getting my Chair Yoga Teacher Certification was a must so I could get back to one of my passions of working with seniors and I started teaching at nursing homes and retirement homes around the Niagara Region and Oxford County, (where I share my time) and I have been teaching Chair Yoga ever since.
When I returned home from the training I set up the business and taught my first classes in a friend's Taekwondo Studio in September and Swami Mahesh came to teach a program in October of that same year.
Getting my Chair Yoga Teacher Certification was a must so I could get back to one of my passions of working with seniors and I started teaching at nursing homes and retirement homes around the Niagara Region and Oxford County, (where I share my time) and I have been teaching Chair Yoga ever since.
My first yoga class at Martial Art One, now known as Niagara Taekwondo
In March 2018, Swami Mahesh announced he would be offering his first 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, and I knew I had to go. While I was comfortable teaching in front of a group now I wanted to start diving deeper into the philosophy side of yoga. I spent 6 weeks with him in India, learning even more about Yoga and Ayurveda, becoming one of his first graduates of the program.
Later that year he asked me to join his SIYA International team.
Receiving my Yoga Teacher Training Certificate in Bangalore, India
One of my trips to India
I continue to return to India every year and bring groups with me to explore Incredible India and meet up with Swami Mahesh for his annual Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat.
Having had such an incredible experience of using power of mantra in our every day practice, when I returned home I started offering mantra chanting and yoga nidra on a monthly basis and continue to offer these classes.
I continue to return to India every year and bring groups with me to explore Incredible India and meet up with Swami Mahesh for his annual Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat.
Having had such an incredible experience of using power of mantra in our every day practice, when I returned home I started offering mantra chanting and yoga nidra on a monthly basis and continue to offer these classes.
In July 2018, I was asked to help with a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training teaching for two days of the training at Shine On Yoga and I had no idea what an impact this opportunity would have. This was just the beginning of the next step of my journey.
Diane Herring (Manjeet) and I at International Yoga Day
Lori Brant
As a part of my Swadyaya (self study) practice, I starting working with Lori Brant, a happiness coach, to help me identify the beliefs that were keeping me from moving forward in my life. I started learning how to identify the thoughts I was having that was moving me out of alignment away from my natural state of peace and calm and how to move myself back into alignment.
The awareness of my body and emotions that I had developed through yoga was a big help and with the tools Lori shares helped me to become more aware of my thoughts and what was getting in the way of the peace and calm feeling. She has played a huge role in my life and is an inspiration to me.
As a part of my Swadyaya (self study) practice, I starting working with Lori Brant, a happiness coach, to help me identify the beliefs that were keeping me from moving forward in my life and I started learning how to identify the thoughts I was having that was moving me out of alignment away from my natural state of peace and calm and how to move myself back into alignment.
The awareness of my body and emotions that I had developed through yoga was a big help to transform these not so great beliefs.
I started a small group for those spiritual seekers interested in learning more after my trip to India in 2019 and started offering kirtan on special days throughout the year.
And in May Swami Mahesh came for his annual visit to Canada and we held a 4 day residential yoga retreat.
Swami Mahesh and I at Jericho House, Wainfleet, Ontario Canada
First Yoga Teacher Training with Lalitadevi
In February 2020, I was grateful and felt honoured to be asked to assist in Lalitadevi's first 200 Hour Yoga Teacher trainings what an incredible experience! One I will never forget.
In February 2020, I was grateful and felt honoured to be asked to assist in Lalitadevi's first 200 Hour Yoga Teacher trainings what an incredible experience! One I will never forget.
Just after the first intensive week of yoga teacher training, I packed for my annual trip to India to meet Swami Mahesh. I returned home just before the borders closed because of the Covid 19 - Corona Virus. He was the last person I hugged before going into quarantine during the pandemic.
Swami Mahesh and I at AVP, Coimbatore, India
One of my home studio set ups
We finished the majority of the yoga teacher training online with the exception of our outdoor graduation.
While I had been wanting to start trying some online classes, I had no idea I would be holding my first online class on April 6, 2020 and have been online ever since and loving it.
We finished the majority of the yoga teacher training online with the exception of our outdoor graduation.
While I had been wanting to start trying some online classes, I had no idea I would be holding my first online class on April 6, 2020 and have been online ever since and loving it.
A few days later I signed up for Yoga Sutras course online with another amazing man, Naresh Kumar, from Hyderabad, India and have been meeting him almost every morning since, learning everything to do with Vedic Philosophy.
I feel so blessed to have all of these amazing teachers in my life.
Naresh Kumar
Lalitadevi and I at the graduation ceremony for the first YTT
In September 2020, Lalitadevi and I held a Chair Yoga Teacher Training and I was asked to teach a philosophy class, Chair Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra theory class for Shine On Yoga's 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. The end of 2020 began another new part to my journey, becoming independent and at the beginning of 2021, I was asked to assist for the 2nd 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Lalitadevi and teach another Chair Yoga Teacher Training and then.........
In September, Lalitadevi and I held a Chair Yoga Teacher Training and I was asked to teach a philosophy class, Chair Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra theory class for Shine On Yoga's 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. In 2021, I was asked to assist for the 2nd 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Lalitadevi and teach another Chair Yoga Teacher Training and then.........
Around this time, I decided to buy a small keyboard on marketplace to practice kirtan during the morning and evening satsangs at the ashram, online, as I was noticing the significant impact kirtan was having on my mental health and how much more joy I would feel after chanting.
I thought I would wait to see how much I actually used it before thinking about buying a harmonium, and would want to wait to buy one from India the next time I go.
My practice keyboard
Sheela Bringi and Brent Kuecker from the Sacred Sound Lab
Shortly after this, Manjeet had sent over a link to Sheela Bringi and Brent Kuecker of the Sacred Sound Lab, who would be offering an online harmonium course, so I spent the next few months, practicing and pretending I was playing an actual harmonium.
In September, Lalitadevi and I held a Chair Yoga Teacher Training and I was asked to teach a philosophy class, Chair Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra theory class for Shine On Yoga's 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. In 2021, I was asked to assist for the 2nd 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Lalitadevi and teach another Chair Yoga Teacher Training and then.........
Swami Mahesh invited me to assist in his first Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training for SIYA International
Swami Mahesh and I first online appearance in 2021!
Swami Mahesh invited me to assist in his first Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training for SIYA International
Towards the end of 2021, I moved from Niagara settling near London, Ontario where I started connecting with the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas, for online satsangs twice a day, philosophy courses, bhakti classes and practicing karma yoga and in 2022 Lalitadevi ran another 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training that I assisted with.
During that time I decided to commit 3 months of dedicating my time living in the ashram and practicing karma yoga (selfless service) in the Bahamas, assisting with administration for marketing and programming. This experience had a great impact in my life, helped me to walk through fears, and expand my threshold and capacity to create more space in my life.
First kirtan at Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat
I was asked to lead a couple kirtans while I was there and the energy that transfers when you are leading is incredible.
I was also given the special and unique opportunity to participate in some pujas while I was there
I continued on working with the Ashram from home while I spent the next 6 months studying the Alignment Strategy from Lori Brant and becoming a Certified Alignment Practitioner.
In October 2022, I had the opportunity to teach a Chair Yoga Teacher training for a woman with a hearing impaired which required 2 ASL interpreters, one for the student and one for us. Thanks to Ned Burwell for his support with a fundraising to help her to afford the Interpreters for the 20 hours. I felt blessed to be able to share this gift in a new way.
It was around this time I became a senior companion, one of my favourite things to do is to spend time with seniors, so this was the perfect way to do fun things, like playing games, going for walks, and going to appointments.
I was also so grateful to have found a local Ayurvedic Practitioner, Meme Sue, that provided Abhyanga oil massages with two practitioners! Just like in India!
I started singing lessons, in November 2022, with Cathy Cannon, another amazing teacher with a spiritual heart. Singing was a dream I had had for a long time, so I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and made the space to give it a try, what an amazing experience. I remember the first time she had me sing on my own, it was a very emotional experience.
I was wanting to learn how to play the chants at the ashram, so I took a course with Seth Lieberman and just kept practicing
Seth Lieberman
Treatment room at Ayurvedic Rituals
I had a magical experience near Cobourg with Andrea Olivera for a private Ayurvedic retreat at the beginning of September 2023 which provided so much clarity to where I was headed next.
I had been invited to a wedding in India in December 2023 and thought this would be the chance for me to buy my harmonium, but India shut down the border for Canadian visitors for sometime and I wasn't sure when I would get there, so at the end of September I looked around and found Ajeet and have been playing every day since.
Ayurveda in Cuba with two great practitioners
Since I wouldn't be going to India for my regular Ayurvedic treatment retreat, I found an Ayurvedic retreat in Cuba that allows me to keep my yearly reset, instead of travelling to India so often
I told them the only thing that would make the retreat any better was if they had a harmonium and guess what? They did!
Kirtan in Cuba
I decided 2024 would be a year I would consistently step out of my comfort zone, so I started on January 1 with the Polar Bear plunge in Lake Erie
In February, I went back to the ashram and joined a harmonium retreat with Girish and then played with him on stage.
Kirtan in Bahamas with Girish
So much more came together during that training and I practiced as much as I could while I was there, and before I left I was asked to chant with the harmonium
As soon as I got home, I knew I needed to have a travel harmonium, one that was smaller and easier to carry around, put in my car and take on the road.
Online with Krishna Das
I joined an online program with Girish and we were taught the Mountain Hare Krishna by Krishna Das himself and continue these classes with Girish online
In May 2024, Lalitadevi, her husband, Anandaroopa and I decided to go on the road sharing kirtan so we came up with the name Divine Resonance
Divine Resonance Kirtan Experience
and had our first gathering on June 8, 2024 at Arise True Yoga and continue offering kirtan at different yoga studios across the province
In September 2024, I fulfilled a long time dream of mine, to travel to Chartres, France to take the Labyrinth Facilitator Training Course with Lauren Artress
and every once and a while I get to practice with Divya when she visits from the UK
In January 2025, we celebrated our 500th yoga philosophy class and my 50th birthday
Later in 2024 I took a Heart Based Meditation Training with Paul Dugliss, that was very profound and was grateful to be able to attend one of his retreats at the beginning of 2025
I also started managing silent retreats with Stream Yoga & Meditation again
Such an incredible journey and feeling open and ready for what's to come!
I first learned to meditate through my Therapeutic Touch courses in 2002 and continued this as a method to fall asleep at night. Meditation is something I started practicing more regularly as a part of my recovery and yoga practice. It has played a big role in my self awareness and bringing my mind and body back into balance. Everything flows more smoothly when I have completed my meditation practice. Though it’s hard to explain the actual experience of meditation, I have found it has created so many positive changes in my life.
I first learned to meditate through my Therapeutic Touch courses in 2002 and continued this as a method to fall asleep at night. Meditation is something I started practicing more regularly as a part of my recovery and yoga practice. It has played a big role in my self awareness and bringing my mind and body back into balance. Everything flows more smoothly when I have completed my meditation practice. Though it’s hard to explain the actual experience of meditation, I have found it has created so many positive changes in my life.
Meditation was a big part of my yoga teacher training but I wanted to understand it on an even deeper level so I took a 6 month, 200 Hour Meditation Course in September 2016, through the Willpower Institute in Niagara Falls where the master teacher invited us to Thailand for the graduation. Another experience I won't forget.
Meditation was a big part of my yoga teacher training but I wanted to understand it on an even deeper level so I took a 6 month, 200 Hour Meditation Course in September 2016, through the Willpower Institute in Niagara Falls where the master teacher invited us to Thailand for the graduation. Another experience I won't forget.
Every class I teach incorporates a different type of meditation as a part of the class.
Every class I teach incorporates a different type of meditation as a part of the class.
I realized how important it was to have balance in my life and learned so much along my road to recovery that I felt compelled to share these tools with others.
When I am not teaching yoga you can find me studying and practicing yoga, hanging out with my family, sitting by the water or travelling the world.
Yoga has been my guiding light along my journey from burnout to balance and has now become my way of life.
200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher – Quebec, Canada - Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Camp - 2016
Chair Yoga Certification – Ontario, Canada - Michael Hutkins - 2016
Yoga Kids & Teens Yoga Certification - Ontario, Canada – Sivananda - 2016
200 Hour Meditation Instructor Course - Ontario, Canada and Thailand - Willpower Institute - 2016
200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher – Bangalore, India – SIYA International - 2018
Gentle Yoga Teacher Training - online - Cheryl Gordon - 2020
Restorative Yoga - Shine On Yoga - 2020
Certified Alignment Practitioner - 2022
Certified Sound Healer - 2022
Deepening Yoga Practice – Ontario, Canada - Little Mango Tree - 2015
Ayurveda for Real Life – Online - Melanie Phillips - 2015
Yoga Retreat - Iceland - Swami Mahesh - 2015
Yoga Retreat - Costa Rica - Swami Mahesh- 2015
Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat - Bangalore India - Swami Mahesh - 2016
Cycles of Life & Death from a Yogic Perspective - Ontario, Canada - Swami Mahesh - 2016
Mind & Meditation - Ontario, Canada - Swami Mahesh - 2016
Stress Free Life - Ontario, Canada - Swami Mahesh - 2016
Safe Talk and ASIST Training – Ontario, Canada - Canadian Mental Health Association - 2017
Ayurveda Dinacharya Practice – Bangalore, India – IAIM Healthcare Centre - 2018
Inner Empowerment training – online - Melanie Phillips - 2018
Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat - Bangalore, India - SIYA International - 2019
Tantra Philosophy and Siva Sutras – Bangalore, India – SIYA International - 2019
Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat - Coimbatore, India -AVP and SIYA International - 2020
200 Hour Vedic Philosophy - online - Naresh Kumar - 2020
Katho Upanishad – online - SIYA International - 2020
Yoga Sutras – online - SIYA International - 2020
Bhagavad Gita - online - Sivananda - 2020
Hatha Yoga – online - SIYA International - 2020
Chakras – online - SIYA International - 2020
Bhagavad Gita - online - SIYA International - 2020
Self Realization - online - SIYA International - 2020
Ayurveda – online - SIYA International - 2020
Kundalini Tantra - online - SIYA International - 2020
Restorative Yoga Training - Shine On Yoga - 2020
Yoga Foundations - online - SIYA International - 2020/2021
Harmonium Training - Online - Sheela Bringi - 2021
Pranayama - Online - Oda Lidner - 2021
Yoga for Health Management - Online - SIYA International - 2021
Granthis - Online - Oda Lidner - 2021
Yoga for Digestive Health - Online - SIYA International - 2021
Yoga Nidra - SIYA International - 2021
The Yoga of Unconditional Love - Narada Bhakti Sutras - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2021/22
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Meditation - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Yamas - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Niyamas - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Meditation Immersion - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Mind, it's mysteries and control - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Kundalini and Nada Yoga - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Deep Dive into Vedanta - Tattvabodha - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Pranayama - Little Mango Tree - 2022
Ayurvedic Cooking - Little Mango Tree - 2022
Who am I? - Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat - 2022
Sound Yoga - Little Mango Tree - 2023
Harmonium training retreat - Girish - Bahamas - 2024
Labyrinth Facilitator Training - France - 2024
Heart Based Meditation - Paul Dugliss - 2024
Teach Yoga History, Philosophy, Koshas, Chakras, Bandhas and Bhramari Breath - Ontario, Canada - Shine On Yoga - 2018
Assist in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Woodstock - Little Mango Tree - 2020
Teach Yoga Philosophy in 300 Hour Teaching Training - online - Shine On Yoga - 2020
Teach Chair Yoga Teacher Training for 300 Hour Teacher Training - Online - Shine On Yoga - 2020
Teach Chair Yoga Teacher Training - Online/Springfield - Little Mango Tree - 2020
Teach Yoga Nidra in depth in 300 Hour Teacher Training - Online - Shine On Yoga - 2021
Assist in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Online/Springfield - Little Mango Tree - 2021
Assist in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Online - SIYA International - March 2021
Assist in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Online - SIYA International - September 2021
Teach Chair Yoga Teacher Training - Online/Springfield - Little Mango Tree - 2021
Assist in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Online/Springfield - Little Mango Tree - 2022
Teach Chair Yoga Teacher Training - Online/Springfield - Little Mango Tree - 2022
Teach Chair Yoga Teacher Training for hearing impaired - Springfield - Little Mango Tree 2024
Assist in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Online/Springfield - Little Mango Tree 2024
I would like to take this space to thank all of my teachers, family and friends who have been so supportive throughout my journey. You mean so much to me, thank you for everything, I love you.